I believe in singularity in relationships because you've got to have trust on...
I wish my parents hadn't made me feel that how I looked was linked to how...
It's time to stop the raid on the Social Security trust fund and start...
When you are a character actor they trust you will go in and give them a full...
The slogan was 'Don't trust anyone over thirty'. Sixty years later the slogan...
It's not my job to try and alter the director's style - he's in charge and...
We have to compete in a universe of 200 networks so we have to carve out our...
It takes years for me to trust I know that about myself. A lot of it is...
It's not fun facing a ball going 97 mph trust me.
The hardest thing is that you can't trust people now. You just can't.
I could be wrong but I think heterosexual marriage is threatened more by heterosexuals. I don't know why gay marriage challenges my marriage in any way.