I became much happier when I realized I shouldn't depend solely on my career...
I don't trust the Bee Gee's because there's no way they could always be happy.
We've got to trust the politicians with these decisions.
But I don't have a very good track record with royalty. My dress fell off in...
The Macau casinos have a wonderful business it's taking in money from...
Institutions develop because people put a lot of trust in them they meet...
In spite of the haze of speculation it is still something of a shock to find...
You just have to trust your instincts and hope that if someone doesn't like...
And when I retired trust me not only did Nolan Ryan but the entire Ryan...
I worked with creative people who were very demanding of me and they helped...
People aren't just paying more to fill their gas tanks or when they pay for their heating bills for their home they are paying more at the grocery store on air travel and for many other daily expenses.