Our government is the potent the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill it...
If you don't have a teacher you can't have a disciple.
If we can teach a teacher we can reach more people.
Everyone will tell you how rigid I am but a teacher has to be flexible. You...
I went to school at this log school house. A white woman was my teacher I do...
A wisely chosen illustration is almost essential to fasten the truth upon the...
The role of the teacher remains the highest calling of a free people. To the...
My mother a teacher encouraged me to use my creativity as an actual way to...
My mum is a school teacher and my dad is an electrician.
At the age of 15 a teacher had asked me what I wanted to do for a career...
My wife disagrees with 100 percent of what I say. That's the same marriage I have.