Success is always something completely different to people. I feel like I've...
There's more to life than success and if you can try to be more well-rounded...
Success isn't everything but it makes a man stand straight.
Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success.
American inventiveness and the desire to build developed because we were...
I always think when there's stuff that people don't like I always say that...
I don't think success is harmful as so many people say. Rather I believe it...
We moved into the back made it into a little 50s sitting room and started to...
In most things success depends on knowing how long it takes to succeed.
I think the idea that you know who your inner self is on a daily basis...
That folk music led to learning to play and making things up led to what turns out to be the most lucrative part of the music business - writing because you get paid every time that song gets played.