Nature has not got two voices you know one of them condemning all day what...
The chief ingredients in the composition of those qualities that gain esteem...
To be perfectly just is an attribute of the divine nature to be so to the...
By nature's kindly disposition most questions which it is beyond a man's...
Man is the unnatural animal the rebel child of nature and more and more...
Gossip is nature's telephone.
I think that in today's world by nature we are all self-centered. And that...
The mastery of nature is vainly believed to be an adequate substitute for...
What nature delivers to us is never stale. Because what nature creates has...
You don't have to call it God or Jesus. That's religious humbug to a lot of...
If we were to wipe out insects alone on this planet the rest of life and humanity with it would mostly disappear from the land. Within a few months.