I mean when you come into the set at 7:30 in the morning and you come out of...
This morning in the Washington Post there was a statistic about how 85% of...
The problem with growing up in a cafe was the cafe never closed my parents...
He who stands with his face to the East in the morning will have the sun...
I remember we woke up one morning at Denny's house and John Phillips called....
I like to be busy and I like to have places to go in the morning when I get...
Bill Bennett really became an idol for me. I listened to him every morning...
I don't think I'm going to do any good work this morning.
We had high and boisterous winds last night and this morning: the Indians...
The rain which had continued yesterday and last night ceased this morning....
When your dreams tire they go underground and out of kindness that's where they stay.