My imagination functions much better when I don't have to speak to people.
Love is based on imagination.
All the best have something in common a regard for reality an agreement to...
You can have 10 bucks to 10 million bucks and if you got a crew imagination...
All my life I've had the privilege to make my living with my imagination and...
I feel like I'm a much better person when I'm developing my imagination and...
My books are elegiac in the sense that they're odes to a nation that even I...
I can't work completely out of my imagination. I must put my foot in a bit of...
I surrendered to a world of my imagination reenacting all those wonderful...
What I really have in my head my imagination my understanding of music I...
A woman's heart must be of such a size and no larger else it must be pressed small like Chinese feet her happiness is to be made as cakes are by a fixed recipe.