There's nothing like a good cheating song to make me want to run home to be...
I know people that could serve me canned tuna and saltine crackers and have...
I'm like a really goofy home ec teacher.
You earn very little money on independent films and I'm the provider for my...
In the mind in the heart I was always home. I always imagined really...
I don't need to be asking for money for local museums and other projects just...
The environment doesn't change that radically. You are still going to go home...
I'm a married man. If I want sex at this particular point in my life I go...
When I get old I'm going to the old folks' home. I don't want to be one of...
Most cooks try to learn by making dishes. Doesn't mean you can cook. It means...
I've never seen a worse situation than that of young writers in the United States. The publishing business in North America is so commercialized.