Whenever I write about mental health and integrative therapies I am accused...
You can't afford to get sick and you can't depend on the present health care...
Citizens must pressure the American Hospital Association the American Public...
The most common objection that I hear to walking as exercise is that it's too...
I am not against all forms of high-tech medicine. Drugs and surgeries have a...
The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as effective in...
If we can make the correct diagnosis the healing can begin. If we can't...
Human beings have survived for millennia because most of us make good...
The bottom line is that the human body is complex and subtle and...
One of the most obvious ways dogs can improve our physical and mental health...
In the fifties I had dreams about touching a naked woman and she would turn to bronze or the dream about hot dogs chasing donuts through the Lincoln Tunnel.