But if you're asking my opinion I would argue that a social justice approach...
I'm very confident my health isn't going to allow me to be a good player...
If I have my health I can carry on. There will be a point when I do quit but...
I think the British people are very very attached to the idea that the...
I can understand why some people might look at me and say 'What's she got to...
It's totally different from last year because I came in with good shape with...
If you look at things that really affect people's lives - sport the arts...
We cannot rest until we make sure that our families can afford to live and...
Why do we have 47 million people without health care? Because America has...
Left to ourselves we might pick the wrong health insurance the wrong...
Thank God we're not like America. Everyone wants to look like they're 20. In Europe we admire grown-up women I think men revere older women.