When I come home from a shoot I'd rather reheat food I've made than eat...
You know the great irony is that people think you have to have money to enjoy...
Jay Leno is not a guy who likes change. He eats the same food every day.
I went in saying I wanted to be the food guy.
Without food man can live at most but a few weeks without it all other...
People always comment about my clothes. They don't think a fashionable woman...
I think wine is such a big universe that it's kind of like food - it's...
Food is no longer sacred to us: in becoming too efficient we've changed its...
There are a lot of food Nazis in the U.S. but I believe if you can show...
Most food you drop is still perfectly edible. If it was in your eyesight the...
I'm the most gregarious of men and love good company but never less alone when alone.