Dreams come true without that possibility nature would not incite us to have...
My life turned out to be beyond my greatest dreams.
We must not let our passions destroy our dreams.
Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow.
I've said it before but it's absolutely true: My mother gave me my drive...
If you're the type of person who has to fulfill your dreams you've gotta be...
Through hard work perseverance and a faith in God you can live your dreams.
I think when you move past your fear and you go after your dreams...
As I live and am a man this is an unexaggerated tale - my dreams become the...
I've woken up from dreams and the whole song is there. I'm listening to it in...
The politician in my country seeks votes affection and respect in that order. With few notable exceptions they are simply men who want to be loved.