If some persons died and others did not die death would be a terrible...
If Shaw and Einstein couldn't beat death what chance have I got? Practically...
As long as you don't make waves ripples life seems easy. But that's...
There is something about poverty that smells like death.
I saw also that there was an ocean of darkness and death but an infinite...
Nothing endears so much a friend as sorrow for his death. The pleasure of his...
Deep down no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death...
When you break up your whole identity is shattered. It's like death.
Benjamin Franklin said there were only two things certain in life: death and...
Only in death will I relinquish my belts.
If you have a level of expectation in your life that you have to be a quote-unquote star whatever that means you might be setting yourself up for failure.