The Supreme Court of the United States... has validated the Nazi method of...
After my mother's death I had such difficulty relating to people.
Hitchcock had to fight to the death to make his movies.
I had always loved John Ford's pictures. And I came to love him too but I...
We were then in a dangerous helpless situation exposed daily to perils and...
In this situation I was constantly exposed to danger and death.
There are people who never experience that who remain closed until death...
Sickness insanity and death were the angels that surrounded my cradle and...
Women have not yet realized the cowardice that resides for if they should...
Libertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming...
Everyone always asks me 'Do you want to be famous... ' I never really thought about becoming famous. I just want to work to be able to put out inspiring and good film and TV.