In computing turning the obvious into the useful is a living definition of...
If you could utilize the resources of the end users' computers you could do...
Access to computers and the Internet has become a basic need for education in...
One of the most feared expressions in modern times is 'The computer is down.'
The power of the computer is starting to spread.
I happen to think that computers are the most important thing to happen to...
Shareware tends to combine the worst of commercial software with the worst of...
We're entering a new world in which data may be more important than software.
Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs founded Apple Inc which set the computing world...
I wouldn't know how to find eBay on the computer if my life depended on it.
In the information age you don't teach philosophy as they did after feudalism. You perform it. If Aristotle were alive today he'd have a talk show.