A saboteur in the house of art and a comedienne in the house of art theory...
When money and hype recede from the art world one thing I won't miss will be...
While a large segment of the art world has obsessed over a tiny number of...
Much good art got made while money ruled I like a lot of it and hardship and...
The last time money left the art world intrepid types maxed out their credit...
It's art that pushes against psychological and social expectations that...
The giant white cube is now impeding rather than enhancing the rhythms of...
It's great that New York has large spaces for art. But the enormous...
Can space break? I mean the space of art galleries. Over the past 100 years...
Artistic qualities that once seemed undeniable don't seem so now. Sometimes...
Here once again education is crucial it enables children to be become more aware of their rights and to exercise them in a respectful manner which helps them shape their own future.