Being in an area of the planet where scientists believe mankind started is...
One of the most amazing locations I've ever been is the top of the volcano in...
I think this is the biggest win in my career. To beat Venus in Wimbledon is...
I'm the lead singer of the Beach Boys and an ambassador of this amazing music...
Acting is fantastic but to be able to create a whole world on celluloid is...
If we get the capabilities NATO along with the European Union can do...
Just going on the road and entertaining the fans that's amazing.
The amazing thing now is that most of those so-called critics who were...
There was just this amazing individuality. It's just a whole different world...
It's odd because I used to see pictures on telly or wherever of what I now...
We are not at peace with others because we are not at peace with ourselves and we are not at peace with ourselves because we are not at peace with God.