Search For yearn In Quotes 27

I am a poor student sitting at the feet of giants yearning for their wisdom and begging for lessons that might one day make me a complete artist so that if all goes well I may one day sit beside them.

If anything we older people yearn for a peaceful world even more than young people do. We are the ones who lost friends or relatives in some war. We are the ones who have lived a lifetime of seeing and reading about human suffering.

Where does discontent start? You are warm enough but you shiver. You are fed yet hunger gnaws you. You have been loved but your yearning wanders in new fields. And to prod all these there's time the Bastard Time.

I seldom think about my limitations and they never make me sad. Perhaps there is just a touch of yearning at times but it is vague like a breeze among flowers.

Even as a child I had a strong relationship with yearning and desire. And loss. Those things spoke to me.

Men may yearn for peace cry for peace and work for peace but there will be no peace until they follow the path pointed out by the Living Christ. He is the true light of men's lives.

Like all Israelis I yearn for peace. I see the utmost importance in taking all possible steps that will lead to a solution of the conflict with the Palestinians.

After four years at the United Nations I sometimes yearn for the peace and tranquility of a political convention.

When motherhood becomes the fruit of a deep yearning not the result of ignorance or accident its children will become the foundation of a new race.

All my life my heart has yearned for a thing I cannot name.