Search For witnessed In Quotes 15

I think a lot of people get so obsessed with the wedding and the expense of the wedding that they miss out on what the real purpose is. It's not about a production number it's about a meaningful moment between two people that's witnessed by people that they actually really know and care about.

The Assembly has witnessed over the last weeks how historical truth is established once an allegation has been repeated a few times it is no longer an allegation it is an established fact even if no evidence has been brought out in order to support it.

I have witnessed the softening of the hardest of hearts by a simple smile.

During a trip to Iraq last fall I visited our theater hospital at Balad Air Force Base and witnessed these skilled medical professionals in action and met the brave soldiers whose lives they saved.

Yes. I did more research than I ever wanted to and saw some things I wish I didn't. I went on ride-alongs spent time with Homicide Cold Case and SVU detectives hung out in subways learning how to spot pervs and pick-pockets viewed an autopsy went to a police firing range and witnessed court cases and I read read read.

I have witnessed how education opens doors and I know that when sound instruction takes place students experience the joys of new-found knowledge and the ability to excel.

Certainly anyone whom I've witnessed who has gone through something horrible and life-changing has a sense of ironic humor or an ability to look at the peculiarities of the world and find humor in it.

The 2012 London Olympic Games fostered a generation of hope. I witnessed women participating for the very first time representing every nation.

From the moment this baby came into our home those two dogs have never been more in love. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever witnessed. People keep saying 'Oh you're a single mom.' I'm like 'Actually I'm not. I've got two boys helping.'

Never in our country's history have we witnessed a natural disaster that has impacted so many people in such a wide area. In fact as of the writing of this column millions of people along the Gulf Coast have been displaced from their homes in a period of only five days.

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More than five million seniors have already saved money on their prescription drugs and almost 33 million have benefited from free preventive services. The president cracked down hard on Medicare and health care fraud recovering a record-breaking $10.7 billion over the last three years protecting our seniors. That's what change looks like.