Search For williams In Quotes 14

I always wanted a guitar. I always wanted to be a cowboy singer because I also listened to Hank Williams and he would always sing these neat romantic songs.

Look when I started out mainstream culture was Sinatra Perry Como Andy Williams Sound of Music. There was no fitting into it then and of course there's no fitting into it now.

People feel the worst film I made was 'Jack.' But to this day when I get checks from old movies I've made 'Jack' is one of the biggest ones. No one knows that. If people hate the movie they hate the movie. I just wanted to work with Robin Williams.

We have this morning dropped anchor just off Williamstown.

My hero is Michelle Williams who I grew close to when we did 'Meek's Cutoff.' She's an extraordinary actor and mom.

I like a very dry wit not the big kind of humor like Robin Williams. I don't think I'm capable of that.

The prospects for a coherent hilarious and consistent American comedy seem to lessen every year as the poor waterlogged gassy corpse called 'Evan Almighty' proved when it floated ashore recently. So there's a temptation to think too highly of Robin Williams's uneven but occasionally funny 'License to Wed.'

I love weird or funny or beautiful sentences Joy Williams could write a microwave-oven manual and I'm sure I'd love it because the sentences would be tuned up like music.

When Ted Williams was here inducted into the Hall of Fame 37 years ago he said he must have earned it because he didn't win it because of his friendship with the writers. I guess in that way I'm proud to be in this company that way.

Few if any teenagers can relate to getting up for school and finding famous comics like Pryor and Williams hanging out in your living room after a hard night of partying. But that's Hollywood.