Search For wider In Quotes 22

Only the most unapologetic biblical fundamentalists for instance take every biblical injunction literally. If we all took all scripture at the same level of authority then we would be more open to slavery to the subjugation of women to wider use of stoning. Jesus himself spoke out frequently against divorce in the strongest of terms.

Gentlemen I fervently trust that before long the principle of arbitration may win such confidence as to justify its extension to a wider field of international differences.

We sometimes laugh from ear to ear but it would be impossible for a smile to be wider than the distance between our eyes.

Christianity is usually called a religion. As a religion it has had a wider geographic spread and is more deeply rooted among more peoples than any other religion in the history of mankind.

I have a much wider freer view about spirituality. I feel that people need to pursue it on their own personally. You know let it be theirs - a personal relationship with their soul or their God or with their church.

But the cause for which we fought was higher our thought wider... That thought was our power.

While the wider global environment is worrying we are seeing some positive results in our economic affairs.

I wanted to reimagine the role in a way that was respectful of its traditional responsibilities but made them part of a wider pattern of poetry about national incidents events preoccupations and to spend a great deal of time going to schools trying to demystify poetry.

It would be especially tragic if the people who most cherish ideals of peace who are most anxious for political cooperation on a wider than national scale made the mistake of underestimating the pace of economic change in our modern world.

If I have been of service if I have glimpsed more of the nature and essence of ultimate good if I am inspired to reach wider horizons of thought and action if I am at peace with myself it has been a successful day.