Search For weaknesses In Quotes 17

Capitalism has its weaknesses. But it is capitalism that ended the stranglehold of the hereditary aristocracies raised the standard of living for most of the world and enabled the emancipation of women.

You always have certain strengths and certain weaknesses and you want to compensate for your weaknesses... I have a real duty to earn the trust of the faculty. I don't just deserve it. I have to earn it.

Success is achieved by developing our strengths not by eliminating our weaknesses.

Let us speak though we show all our faults and weaknesses - for it is a sign of strength to be weak to know it and out with it - not in a set way and ostentatiously though but incidentally and without premeditation.

I know my strengths. Painfully aware of the weaknesses. There's many. I love sports. So working towards a common goal that's exciting to me.

Never build your emotional life on the weaknesses of others.

Breaking into a system or exposing its weaknesses is a good thing because truth and knowledge must win out.

What is called an acute knowledge of human nature is mostly nothing but the observer's own weaknesses reflected back from others.

Making use of human weaknesses in intelligence work is a logical matter. It keeps coming up and of course you try to look at all the aspects that interest you in a human being.

Though intelligence is powerless to modify character it is a dab hand at finding euphemisms for its weaknesses.

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I was born in ancient times at the end of the world in a patriarchal Catholic and conservative family. No wonder that by age five I was a raging feminist - although the term had not reached Chile yet so nobody knew what the heck was wrong with me.