Search For waves In Quotes 21

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world and behold everything is softer and more beautiful.

Success comes in waves.

It's just a job. Grass grows birds fly waves pound the sand. I beat people up.

I was walking around legally blind. Now I have 20-20 vision. I can't believe I spent so many years blurry but I think that coincides with how I was feeling. Now I notice if people are watching me but I also smile right back if someone waves which helps.

Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent scurrilous wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.

Flipping the dial through available radio stations there will blare out to any listener an array of broadcasts 24/7 propagating Religious Right politics along with what they deem to be 'old-time gospel preaching.' This is especially true of what comes over the airwaves in Bible Belt southern states.

There is no sea more dangerous than the ocean of practical politics none in which there is more need of good pilotage and of a single unfaltering purpose when the waves rise high.

The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit and the waves dance to the music of its melodies and sparkle in its brightness.

A desire arises in the mind. It is satisfied immediately another comes. In the interval which separates two desires a perfect calm reigns in the mind. It is at this moment freed from all thought love or hate. Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.

Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves.

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There used to be this feeling under Eisenhower and Kennedy and Roosevelt and Truman that government was a solution. Trust in the presidency fell precipitously under Johnson - real lows. And it's never come back. It's a trend that if you're liberal is really discouraging.