Search For washington In Quotes 121

In 1934 the American Jewish charities offered to find homes for 300 German refugee children. We were on the SS Washington bound for New York Christmas 1934.

A study in the Washington Post says that women have better verbal skills than men. I just want to say to the authors of that study: 'Duh.'

To avoid entangling alliances has been a maxim of our policy ever since the days of Washington and its wisdom no one will attempt to dispute.

As you may recall Truman was extremely unpopular when he finally left Washington in 1953 thanks largely to the Korean War. Today however he is thought to have been a solidly good president a 'Near Great' even in the terminology of those surveys of historians they do every now and then.

A gaffe in Washington is someone telling the truth and telling the truth has never hurt me.

I intend to travel to Okinawa and to visit with Okinawa officials and the citizens of Okinawa at an early date. I will send my best analysis of that situation including the local attitudes back to Washington to the government there.

Everywhere I travel throughout Eastern Washington I hear from people demanding we do a better job of controlling our borders and reducing illegal immigration.

If you look - look at - I mean look at what's going on with your gasoline prices. They're going to go to $5 $6 $7 and we don't have anybody in Washington that calls OPEC and says 'Fellas it's time. It's over. You're not going to do it anymore.'

The Sunday School teacher talked too much in the way our grade school teacher used to when she told us about George Washington. Pleasant pretty stories but not true.

Nothing symbolizes American strength and vigor more than another unaccountable Washington bureaucrat.