Search For volume In Quotes 17

Memory is not wisdom idiots can by rote repeat volumes. Yet what is wisdom without memory?

I've completed the first part of my preparations without injury problems. My speed is good and I'm doing lots of volume for strength.

I'd never really been content with just churning out these slim volumes every three or four years. I've always tried to think of poetry as an active ingredient in the language rather than just something that appears between the covers of thin books.

I was in Paris at an English-language bookstore. I picked up a volume of Dickinson's poetry. I came back to my hotel read 2 000 of her poems and immediately began composing in my head. I wrote down the melodies even before I got to a piano.

Publishing a volume of verse is like dropping a rose petal down the Grand Canyon and waiting for the echo.

The sacred rights of mankind are not to be rummaged for among old parchments or musty records. They are written as with a sunbeam in the whole volume of human nature by the hand of the divinity itself and can never be erased.

Capucci was the biggest schooling I had. It wasn't just about the technical knowledge such as color and volume but also about the secret rules and the beautiful codes of respect between the atelier and the master.

Experience alone can give a final answer. The knowledge gained in a few years by a commission of the kind suggested would be worth more than volumes of mere assertions and contradictions.

All of the biggest technological inventions created by man - the airplane the automobile the computer - says little about his intelligence but speaks volumes about his laziness.

A German immersed in any civilization different from his own loses a weight equivalent in volume to the amount of intelligence he displaces.