Search For vivid In Quotes 27

The strongest influences in my life and my work are always whomever I love. Whomever I love and am with most of the time or whomever I remember most vividly. I think that's true of everyone don't you?

I feel I do my best work when it's all there on the page and I feel that the character is very vivid as I read the script and I'm not having to create stuff and trying to cobble together something. If I have to do that then I don't entirely trust what I'm doing.

Occasionally I find a travel book that is both illuminating and entertaining where vivid writing and research replace self-indulgence and sloppy prose.

Our sense of power is more vivid when we break a man's spirit than when we win his heart.

Short fiction is the medium I love the most because it requires that I bring everything I've learned about poetry - the concision the ability to say something as vividly as possible - but also the ability to create a narrative that though lacking a novel's length satisfies the reader.

We all dream. We dream vividly depending on our nature. Our existence is beyond our explanation whether we believe in God or we have religion or we're atheist.

I don't necessarily start with the beginning of the book. I just start with the part of the story that's most vivid in my imagination and work forward and backward from there.

I'm an emotional sort of person in general and I have a vivid imagination so I feel the whole spectrum of emotion strongly when I write.

As an actor you have to have a strong vivid imagination as you're working and when the camera's rolling but there's certainly a part of you that is aware of real life that you're making a movie.

I've got quite a vivid imagination and I'm easily overwhelmed by sensations and things that are beautiful or scary. I don't think I've ever seen a ghost - I think I'm probably haunted by my own ghosts than real ones.