Search For visiting In Quotes 17

Golf is good it means I get some fresh air and exercise take my mind off work and see some of the landscape of the place I'm visiting.

When it comes to locations I'm one of those crazy authors who has to see it touch it taste it before I trust myself to recreate it for my readers. Having said that visiting a locked-down pediatric psych ward was the most intimidating research I've ever done - and I've visited maximum security prisons shooting galleries bone collections etc.

I got the travel bug when I was quite young. My parents took me and my sisters out of school and we travelled all over Europe. It was an eye-opening experience and although I love Norway I also enjoy visiting new countries. I don't get homesick.

I never make a trip to the United States without visiting a supermarket. To me they are more fascinating than any fashion salon.

If I wasn't doing this I'd be in school studying political science or socioeconomic something. I love visiting different cultures and finding out how they make up a society.

I think when I'm in love I really am very good with calling little faxes and visiting and I really put a lot of effort into it. I'm really not the one that's not available because of work and I'm very sad when I actually leave.

My friendships and relationships in the conservative world are not predicated on political correctness and enforced conformity of thought. They are based instead on mutual respect honesty and understanding - concepts many modern liberals should consider revisiting.

I think people should look at learning about Native American history the same as visiting Washington D.C. and seeing the monuments there. It's all part of the package.

It's possible that I've matured as a writer and I hope I've matured emotionally but I always find myself revisiting these adolescent scenes.

The first presentation of my show was given in May 1883 at Omaha which I had then chosen as my home. From there we made our first summer tour visiting practically every important city in the country.