Search For vintage In Quotes 13

There is a phenomenal amount of pressure on women in this industry: they are considered vintage by the time they hit their mid-30s.

We are born at a given moment in a given place and like vintage years of wine we have the qualities of the year and of the season of which we are born. Astrology does not lay claim to anything more.

I definitely spend the most money on shoes partly because vintage footwear can be a little funky - in a bad way. I like to keep things pretty simple up top and then go weird with the shoes.

Our culture's obsession with vintage objects has rendered us unable to separate history from nostalgia. People want heart. They want a chaser of emotion with their aesthetics.

Clothes are my drug. I love Camden market - I have so many vintage pieces from there it's unbelievable. Clothes are really important to me they give me that feeling of happiness. I love being a bit free with it all and not giving myself rules.

Happiness is a wine of the rarest vintage and seems insipid to a vulgar taste.

To 'choose' dogma and faith over doubt and experience is to throw out the ripening vintage and to reach greedily for the Kool-Aid.

Luckily I don't have to buy shoes anymore because I design them! I'm off tour so I can dive in and create the shoes that I want for my line. But okay I did buy a pair of vintage combat boots because they were so beaten up - I had to have them.

Everything I buy is vintage and smells funny. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend.

I grew up in Texas and people love their American-made muscle cars there. I grew up around people who loved cars and took care of cars and my dad's a big car nut so I learned a little bit about cars - how to love them most importantly. I think that from the time I could remember I've always envisioned myself in a vintage muscle car.

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Shadows sometimes people don't see shadows. The Chinese of course never paint them in pictures oriental art never deals with shadow. But I noticed these shadows and I knew it meant it was sunny.