Search For viewed In Quotes 31

I interviewed survivors I went to Poland saw the cities and spent time with the people and spoke to the Jews who had come back to Poland after the war and talked about why they had come back.

Superman was never previewed because the producers didn't trust Warners with the film.

Viewed freely the English language is the accretion and growth of every dialect race and range of time and is both the free and compacted composition of all.

I have reviewed literally hundreds of dotcoms in my drive to bring Boomer Esiason Foundation onto the Internet and have selected ClickThings as a partner because of the advanced technology it offers small business and its understanding of the entrepreneurial spirit of the small business community.

All images generated by imaging technology are viewed in a walled-off location not visible to the public. The officer assisting the passenger never sees the image and the officer viewing the image never interacts with the passenger. The imaging technology that we use cannot store export print or transmit images.

My fiction is reviewed by the mainstream press by science fiction periodicals romance magazines small press publications and various other journals including some usually devoted to archaeological and other science material.

In general science journalism concerns itself with what has been published in a handful of peer-reviewed journals - Nature Cell The New England Journal of Medicine - which set the agenda.

One of the sad commentaries on the way women are viewed in our society is that we have to fit one category. I have never felt that I had to be in one category.

We went online to surrogacy agencies. We interviewed lots of people - and I have to say with all due respect some of them were freaks. I was very leery of the process the whole way through.

I have always viewed the mission of Wikipedia to be much bigger than just creating a killer website. We're doing that of course and having a lot of fun doing it but a big part of what motivates us is our larger mission to affect the world in a positive way.