Search For version In Quotes 96

So we're considering doing a new Christmas album because there's been Christmas episodes since then and maybe finally do the version of 'The Most Offensive Song Ever' with lyrics intact.

A revival does two things. First it returns the Church from her backsliding and second it causes the conversion of men and women and it always includes the conviction of sin on the part of the Church. What a spell the devil seems to cast over the Church today!

The sight of women talking together has always made men uneasy nowadays it means rank subversion.

The three-year-old who lies about taking a cookie isn't really a liar after all. He simply can't control his impulses. He then convinces himself of a new truth and eager for your approval reports the version that he knows will make you happy.

The American fascists are most easily recognized by their deliberate perversion of truth and fact. Their newspapers and propaganda carefully cultivate every fissure of disunity every crack in the common front against fascism.

I believe the main solution is to gain the trust of Europe and America and to remove their concerns over the peaceful nature of our nuclear industry and to assure them that there will never be a diversion to military use.

Bill Gates is a very rich man today... and do you want to know why? The answer is one word: versions.

Although I'm Australian I find myself much more in sympathy with the Austrian version!

I really think that elected officials should be focused on how you create sustained economic growth how do you create jobs and all of these issues that made people - segments of our society believe are really important are diversions politically.

Carl took on the military-industrial complex. He campaigned around the world for an end to the production of weapons of mass destruction. To him it was a perversion of science.