Search For unfortunate In Quotes 102

The unfortunate thing about working for yourself is that you have the worst boss in the world. I work every day of the year except at Christmas when I work a half day.

It is unfortunate considering that enthusiasm moves the world that so few enthusiasts can be trusted to speak the truth.

The last couple relationships I had were long distance. It's not like I can make much of an effort to travel and see anybody. The guy had to do all the work unfortunately.

The first time probably people really were aware of me I unfortunately had the title of Showtime's Funniest Person in America. And that's a really tough title to travel around with when you're not even known.

I just got tired of being sick and tired and feeling down. Unfortunately you don't realize this until you're getting sober but the reason why you're depressed all the time is it's the drugs that are depressing you.

Winning is not a sometime thing it's an all time thing. You don't win once in a while you don't do things right once in a while you do them right all the time. Winning is habit. Unfortunately so is losing.

The technology is really where all of the changes have taken place but the fundamentals of a good story being the basis of every good picture and really the only basis still remains the rule more so today I think because we've unfortunately weaned an audience from birth to kind of mindless movies.

Time is a great teacher but unfortunately it kills all its pupils.

Ask everyone whether they're an actor or a doctor or a teacher or whatever is entitled to his or her opinion. But unfortunately because actors are in the public eye whether we want it or not sometimes our opinions carry more weight or influence than they deserve.

There's no greater way to gain an audience's sympathy than by being unfortunate.