Search For triple In Quotes 11

I'm a big fan of doing 'Triple D.' But I don't want to do it forever don't get me wrong! Travel away from my family are you crazy? But do you know what it does for these mom-and-pop restaurant joints? It changes their lives forever. I mean their businesses will never be the same.

Just as we could have rode into the sunset along came the Internet and it tripled the significance of the PC.

After I won the Oscar my salary doubled my friends tripled my children became more popular at school my butcher made a pass at me and my maid hit me up for a raise.

Some people are born on third base and go through life thinking they hit a triple.

You know there was a time just before I started to study physical science when astronomers thought that systems such as we have here in the solar system required a rare triple collision of stars.

When you translate poetry in particular you're obliged to look at how the writer with whom you're working puts together words sentences phrases the triple tension between the line of verse the syntax and the sentence.

The triple is the most exciting play in baseball. Home runs win a lot of games but I never understood why fans are so obsessed with them.

The number of kids affected by obesity has tripled since 1980 and this can be traced in large part to lack of exercise and a healthy diet.

Over the past 50 years we got versions of X-ray specs and space vacations and even death rays. But the X-ray specs don't fit on your face - they're big things that screen your luggage for guns. Space vacations are real but they cost $20 million. We have death rays but you have to be a triple Ph.D. to play with them.

On my best days such as when I was a junior in high school coming off a 42-point performance and near triple-double my dad was there to tell me I haven't arrived yet and bring me back to reality.