Search For travelling In Quotes 19

Wisdom and understanding can only become the possession of individual men by travelling the old road of observation attention perseverance and industry.

We have been travelling through a cloud. The sky has been dark ever since the war began.

The more you travel the better you get at it. It sounds silly but with experience you learn how to pack the right way. I remember one of my first trips abroad travelling around Europe by rail fresh out of high school. I brought all these books with me and a paint set. I really had too much stuff so I've learnt to be more economical.

Until 1914 I loved to travel I often went to Italy and once spent a few months in India. Since then I have almost entirely abandoned travelling and I have not been outside of Switzerland for over ten years.

The trouble with travelling back later on is that you can never repeat the same experience.

Travelling expands the mind rarely.

Science Fiction is not just about the future of space ships travelling to other planets it is fiction based on science and I am using science as my basis for my fiction but it's the science of prehistory - palaeontology and archaeology - rather than astronomy or physics.

Even if we die at 100 we're still dying young. I want at least 700 years. There's a lot of travelling and books to read and movies to see. I'm not going to squeeze it all in in 85 years.

Life is short and we have never too much time for gladdening the hearts of those who are travelling the dark journey with us. Oh be swift to love make haste to be kind.

I mean you might say he had a travelling post office but also Barney was very very active. He was a legal officer for the NAACP and they had a lot of problems after Pease.