Search For topic In Quotes 24

Half of Google's revenue comes from selling text-based ads that are placed near search results and are related to the topic of the search. Another half of its revenues come from licensing its search technology to companies like Yahoo.

As you know the thing that I know the least about is the topic of sports.

It's been mentioned or suggested that Paradise will not be well studied because it's about this unimportant intellectual topic which is religion.

Even though money seems such an objective topic it can also be the most intimate and possibly harmful part of a relationship.

I love the old Fred Astaire and Gene Kelly movies they're so beautiful to look at. It's such a shame we don't make them anymore. Although I don't know how you could make tap dancing current and topical.

Culture what you believe what you value how you live matters. Now as fundamental as these principles are they may become topics of democratic debates from time to time so it is today with the enduring institution of marriage. Marriage is a relationship between a man and a woman.

To understand a difficult topic like Iraq takes patience and care. Unfortunately you rarely hear a patient careful or thoughtful discussion of intelligence these days.

I've always felt that a person's intelligence is directly reflected by the number of conflicting points of view he can entertain simultaneously on the same topic.

Three centuries after the appearance of Franklin's 'Courant ' it no longer requires a dystopic imagination to wonder who will have the dubious distinction of publishing America's last genuine newspaper. Few believe that newspapers in their current printed form will survive.

At NBC I wasn't really sure if the grandparents were going to get my sense of humor on a particular topic.

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The people that make this country work the people who pay on their mortgages the people getting up and going to work striving in this recession to not participate in it they're not the enemy. They're the people that hire you. They're the people that are going to give you a job.