Search For timing In Quotes 14

Hitting is timing. Pitching is upsetting timing.

Life is about timing.

I've always wanted to work with Blair and finally the timing was right. I have a tremendous amount of respect for him. I think he's a hugely underrated actor in Hollywood.

Comic timing... is how to have a relationship with the camera and deal with the camera without looking like you are.

The essential ingredient of politics is timing.

I'd love to act more. I've had to turn down multiple movies because I was on tour but it's encouraging to know that someday there might be the right role the right timing. And I've been writing a lot of music so hopefully very soon I'll have recorded a project of my own. I also want to get a boat and open a restaurant.

I learned that we can do anything but we can't do everything... at least not at the same time. So think of your priorities not in terms of what activities you do but when you do them. Timing is everything.

You learn timing on the road. You learn structure and how to read an audience. You learn so much about the business of laughter that you can't learn on a set because it's all on you. Sometimes you bomb and you know not to tell that joke again... You just hope people find the humor in the awkwardness.

My parents grandparents aunts and uncles were all funny and I felt that energy that delivery that timing that sarcasm. All that stuff seeped into my brain.

Comedy is not funny. Comedy is hard work and timing and lots and lots of rehearsals.