Search For throwing In Quotes 35

Whether you're throwing up or breaking up you want your girlfriend right there! I don't trust women who don't go to their girlfriends.

When I graduated from high school the teacher said I was throwing my life away following music and the same teacher invited me back to speak at the school. I don't say that to brag I just want to be an example.

I've always been really active. I grew up playing sports so I'm always shooting hoops or throwing the football with my friends. I'm super-active in that sense.

I just smile. And they - my opponents don't like it when I smile at them. They think I'm playing or something. But - like I smile throughout the whole fight. Sometimes I'll be throwing combinations and I just smile and stick my tongue out at them.

There's no damn business like show business - you have to smile to keep from throwing up.

I told my father I had to try political science for a year. He thought I was throwing my life away.

I remember the evacuee children from towns and cities throwing stones at the farm animals. When we explained that if you did that you wouldn't have any milk meat or eggs they soon learned to respect the animals.

In the past I would self destruct when it came to love - I was immature throwing myself into things but now times have changed I want a relationship where you understand the other person.

I think positive. I always think we're going to score. Two minutes is a lot of time if you have timeouts and you're throwing every down. You have to make the right decisions. I've always had great receivers which helps. It's not just me doing it.

I have this pet thing about how global communications are moving so fast now throwing information at you making everything available to you and yet I feel it's leaving us more and more isolated.