Search For thoughtful In Quotes 24

I like somebody who's not so crazy but likes to have a good time... and who is thoughtful and kind and easy to laugh with. Somebody you can just be yourself with one hundred and fifty percent.

Gay people are the sweetest kindest most artistic warmest and most thoughtful people in the world. And since the beginning of time all they've ever been is kicked.

I found out about reviews early on. They're mostly written by sad men on bad afternoons. That's probably why I'm less angry than some writers who are so narcissistic they consider every line of every review even a thoughtful one as major treason.

My focus is always on the day. What I've done behind me I try to have respect for it and keep an eye on it and make sure it isn't abused and obviously be thoughtful about it because it's all real to me. I'm basically in every band I ever was in and the songs I still mean them all.

It is difficult to discern a serious threat to religious liberty from a room of silent thoughtful schoolchildren.

Nature more of a stepmother than a mother in several ways has sown a seed of evil in the hearts of mortals especially in the more thoughtful men which makes them dissatisfied with their own lot and envious of another s.

The movies that are made more thoughtfully or made or with more ambition often get just get drowned out by the noise.

My guiding principles in life are to be honest genuine thoughtful and caring.

It is hard to see Judge Roberts as a judicial activist who would place ideological purity or a particular agenda above or ahead the need for thoughtful legal reasoning.

The prudent course is to make an investment in learning testing and understanding determine how the new concepts compare to how you now operate and thoughtfully determine how they apply to what you want to achieve in the future.