Search For think In Quotes 4856

Give a man a truth and he will think for a day. Teach a man to reason and he will think for a lifetime.

I think I'm going to give my baby her first food on Thanksgiving make her some organic sweet potato. I'm very excited! It's going to be a big day and my husband is in charge of the turkey - he's the chef of the family!

If you think about a Thanksgiving dinner it's really like making a large chicken.

Pride slays thanksgiving but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow. A proud man is seldom a grateful man for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.

If you think Independence Day is America's defining holiday think again. Thanksgiving deserves that title hands-down.

All of us every single year we're a different person. I don't think we're the same person all our lives.

While there are towns and cities still planning Memorial Day parades many have not held a parade in decades. Some think the day is for honoring anyone who has died not just those fallen in service to our country.

At one time I smoked but in 1959 I couldn't think of anything else to give up for Lent so I stopped - and I haven't had a cigarette since.

At school there was an annual school disco and I'd be standing in my bedroom wondering what to wear for hours on end. Eventually I'd arrive at a decision that was just the most ridiculous costume you could have ever devised - I think it was probably knitted Christmas jumpers on top of buttoned-up white shirts.

I think the people who are making Christmas-themed movies today feel that people are more cynical about Christmas. There's more of an edge.