Search For thereby In Quotes 25

I have been extremely pleased to support the Trust's work in the Lupus Unit ever since. Personal experience also motivated me to become involved to help raise the awareness of the disease and hopefully thereby improve the speed of diagnosis.

That work led to the emergence of the recombinant DNA technology thereby providing a major tool for analyzing mammalian gene structure and function and formed the basis for me receiving the 1980 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

While other industries have suffered the nonprofit arts world continues to build in strength while it encourages the growth of innumerable small businesses on its periphery thereby creating more jobs.

The tax on capital gains directly affects investment decisions the mobility and flow of risk capital... the ease or difficulty experienced by new ventures in obtaining capital and thereby the strength and potential for growth in the economy.

We are by nature observers and thereby learners. That is our permanent state.

Nevertheless the passions whether violent or not should never be so expressed as to reach the point of causing disgust and music even in situations of the greatest horror should never be painful to the ear but should flatter and charm it and thereby always remain music.

As long as you have a system that is based on the rational that if you are making money you are thereby making a contribution to society these financial rogue practices will continue.

Marriage is an institution fits in perfect harmony with the laws of nature whereas systems of slavery and segregation were designed to brutally oppress people and thereby violated the laws of nature.

There isn't any formula or method. You learn to love by loving - by paying attention and doing what one thereby discovers has to be done.

He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster. Is not life a hundred times too short for us to bore ourselves?

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I think romance is a tool comedy is a tool and drama is a tool. I really just want to tell stories that challenge the viewer move people make you laugh perhaps push an idea about being open-minded but never settle on a genre or an opinion. I hate genre. I like movies that are original in their approach.