Search For tactics In Quotes 11

Perhaps the single most important element in mastering the techniques and tactics of racing is experience. But once you have the fundamentals acquiring the experience is a matter of time.

All men can see these tactics whereby I conquer but what none can see is the strategy out of which victory is evolved.

Drones can be a highly effective way of dealing with high-priority targets but they should not become the drug of choice for an administration that is afraid to use successful legal and safe tactics of the past.

Just as the police review their operational tactics so we in the Home Office will review the powers available to the police.

As I speak to you today government censors somewhere are working furiously to erase my words from the records of history. But history itself has already condemned these tactics.

In the light of our culture these are not unreasonable questions and tactics but if once again we try to see the lens through which we look we can see that there is far too great an emphasis placed on the future.

I do support artists standing by their beliefs and walking with integrity. We have to find a better way to commercially exploit music while giving artists their proper respect. This cannot be done while taking their contributions for granted or trying to control the scope of their growth and power through threats and fear tactics.

We have a president who stole the presidency through family ties arrogance and intimidation employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks elderly Jews and other minorities.

Tactics fitness stroke ability adaptability experience and sportsmanship are all necessary for winning.

One must change one's tactics every ten years if one wishes to maintain one's superiority.

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To read a newspaper is to refrain from reading something worth while. The first discipline of education must therefore be to refuse resolutely to feed the mind with canned chatter.