Search For switch In Quotes 31

I'm so unhappy with electoral politics that I switched to sports radio.

People look up to me as somebody who is able to switch the image of our country from negative to positive.

We've switched from a culture that was interested in manufacturing economics politics - trying to play a serious part in the world - to a culture that's really entertainment-based.

The hippies wanted peace and love. We wanted Ferraris blondes and switchblades.

I like to comprehend more or less everything around me - apart from the creation of my music. It's an obsessive character trait that's getting worse. I don't switch the light on and off 15 times before I leave the room yet but something's going wrong.

The only problem is I can't get into PG-13 Land. I just get stuck in R rated movies which they would love us to make PG-13 movies but I never get there. But I think that you've got to make them different. You've got to switch them up.

I heard the Beatles and the Stones and Mom bought me an electric guitar. I played lead for four years and then switched to bass. One day someone suggested that I should sing so I sheepishly stepped up to the microphone and the rest is rock history.

It's hard either way at home or on the bus I think the hardest thing probably for me is going one second from being mom to right out on the stage and having to be that person too. It's hard to switch gears.

I went to Duke University in the medical track. And then I decided I wanted to do something more creative so I switched to biochemistry at Nebraska.

The growth of technology is such that it is not possible today for a nuclear physicist to switch into medical physics without training. The field is now much more technical. More training is needed to do the job.