Search For substantial In Quotes 23

More than 20 years on sustained competition informed customers and the rapid growth of new technology provide the necessary environment for substantial deregulation.

I think it is inevitable that people program poorly. Training will not substantially help matters. We have to learn to live with it.

A variety of national and international studies indicate that the broad-based deployment of information technology can have a substantial impact on our nation's economic productivity and growth as well as the educational and social success of our citizens.

It's sad - it's sad for us old enough to remember when directors ruled and films were substantially better than they are today. But it's hard to argue with those kinds of grosses.

If I can procure three hundred good substantial names of persons or bodies or institutions I cannot fail to do well for my family although I must abandon my life to its success and undergo many sad perplexities and perhaps never see again my own beloved America.

We believe that it is very important that we have hopefully averted what would have been the most substantial headwind of all which is a default for the first time in our history and that that will contribute to a more positive environment that we hope will allow for greater growth and job creation.

You've done it before and you can do it now. See the positive possibilities. Redirect the substantial energy of your frustration and turn it into positive effective unstoppable determination.

Whatever efforts for peace President Gorbachev had in mind they were pretty substantially undercut very swiftly by Saddam Hussein.

National security is the first duty of government but we are also committed to reversing the substantial erosion of civil liberties.

Money is power and in that government which pays all the public officers of the states will all political power be substantially concentrated.