Search For subject In Quotes 224

The whole essence of good drawing - and of good thinking perhaps - is to work a subject down to the simplest form possible and still have it believable for what it is meant to be.

I don't mind a dirty girl. But what I find tragic is when we as women become not the subject of our own story but someone else's object.

All the information you could want is constantly streaming at you like a runaway truck - books newspaper stories Web sites apps how-to videos this article you're reading even entire magazines devoted to single subjects like charcuterie or wedding cakes or pickles.

The reason that war is such a fascinating subject for writers is because it's a revealer. Put a bunch of people in an adrenaline-fuelled life-or-death situation and their fundamental behaviours are exposed the scrim is taken away and the motivations behind each personality come out to play.

I shall proceed from the simple to the complex. But in war more than in any other subject we must begin by looking at the nature of the whole for here more than elsewhere the part and the whole must always be thought of together.

There is nothing so subject to the inconstancy of fortune as war.

Popular opinions on subjects not palpable to sense are often true but seldom or never the whole truth.

I am aware that a philosopher's ideas are not subject to the judgment of ordinary persons because it is his endeavour to seek the truth in all things to the extent permitted to human reason by God.

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes. I would say a private paradise in the Caribbean. If you want culture and class I would say Tuscany. If you want exotic I would say Bangkok Thailand.

Travel is very subjective. What one person loves another loathes.