Search For struggling In Quotes 31

When I planned my wedding the first time my ex-husband and I we were both struggling comics. I had a TV show that had gotten cancelled. Basically I rented a wedding gown the reception hall smelled like feet.

I can tell you that when I travel the state when I talk to people they are really struggling in a very real way. They're losing their jobs they're losing their homes they're dealing with financial challenges.

I feel like I still am struggling in a lot of different ways. I still have to fight for certain things. Certain jobs. At least I'm working and I'm thankful for that.

We need a data network that can easily carry voice instead of what we have today a voice network struggling to carry data.

It is the sincerest thing I have written caught by the drama of a soul struggling in the contrary toils of love and religion - death brought them into harmony.

I would like to do something dark or small. I love independent films. I love emotional scenes. I love people who are struggling with something. I think it's just the juxtaposition to my incredibly happy positive demeanor.

I like movies about longing and desperation and dark and light things stories about people struggling to raise children and to have relationships and be intimate with each other.

In the last year my wife has noticed me struggling to get downstairs on a Sunday morning. I've two young children and football has been so good to me over the years I don't want to spoil it.

For some students school is the only place where they get a hot meal and a warm hug. Teachers are sometimes the only ones who tell our children they can go from an Indian reservation to the Ivy League from the home of a struggling single mom to the White House.

When you deal with a person who's experiencing dementia you can see where they're struggling with knowledge. You can see what they forget completely what they forget but they know what they once knew. You can tell how they're trying to remember.