Search For string In Quotes 32

I stone got crazy when I saw somebody run down them strings with a bottleneck. My eyes lit up like a Christmas tree and I said that I had to learn.

I'm a disorganized mess. My purse is gross: I once found a shoulder pad string cheese and a Christmas ornament in it!

One is that you have to take time lots of time to let an idea grow from within. The second is that when you sign on to something there will be issues of trust deep trust the way the members of a string quartet have to trust one another.

There's a science to ordering potatoes. Are they skinny shoestring or big fat steak fries? You just have to let your taste buds guide you when deciding what to eat.

Einstein was searching for String Theory. It not only reconciles General Relativity to Quantum Mechanics but it reconciles Science and the Bible as well.

But the lover's power is the poet's power. He can make love from all the common strings with which this world is strung.

All gods are homemade and it is we who pull their strings and so give them the power to pull ours.

Poetry is plucking at the heartstrings and making music with them.

I remember when I was coming up the music stores where you could get guitar strings was where I got my records from. Now the place where you get your records from is where you can get your DJ mats and your mixers.

In essence String Theory describes space and time matter and energy gravity and light indeed all of God's creation... as music.