Search For solid In Quotes 74

The flowery style is not unsuitable to public speeches or addresses which amount only to compliment. The lighter beauties are in their place when there is nothing more solid to say but the flowery style ought to be banished from a pleading a sermon or a didactic work.

As you may recall Truman was extremely unpopular when he finally left Washington in 1953 thanks largely to the Korean War. Today however he is thought to have been a solidly good president a 'Near Great' even in the terminology of those surveys of historians they do every now and then.

For far too long we've allowed the other side to paint us as racist as sexist inhumane war mongers - well today as a conservative black Republican and former solider I'm here to set that record straight.

The most solid piece of scientific truth I know of is that we are profoundly ignorant about nature.

I was telling somebody just the other day there's technically such a hierarchy in this business. You have film that's the ideal then you have TV and things like web series do not claim as much cred but the fact is if the material is solid and I believe and trust in the team that's involved I don't care what format it is.

In any solid good relationship it takes a while to trust someone.

For over 15 years through the clean coal programs of the Department of Energy the Federal Government has been a solid partner working jointly with private companies and the states to develop and demonstrate a new generation of environmentally clean technology using coal.

We all have to announce our full solidarity with the struggle of those seeking freedom and justice in Syria and translate this sympathy into a clear political vision that supports a peaceful transition to a democratic system of rule that reflects the demands of the Syrian people for freedom.

I realized then that the generations may change but the strength of our nation remains solid.

I maintain by going to spin four or five days a week. I love that I can get a solid butt-kicking in 40 minutes. I also strength train two or three times a week.