Search For smarter In Quotes 33

I actually don't think that I'm that much smarter than anybody else. It's just that I frequently just seem to know what to do and I think that's wisdom.

Children are smarter than any of us. Know how I know that? I don't know one child with a full time job and children.

It's hard to pay attention these days because of multiple affects of the information technology nowadays. You tend to develop a faster speedier mind but I don't think it's necessarily broader or smarter.

I had a ninth grade teacher who told me I was much smarter and much better than I was allowing myself to be.

I mean I'm not smarter than the market but I can recognize a good tape and a bad tape. I recognize when it's right and when it's wrong and that's what my strength is.

The smarter the journalists are the better off society is. For to a degree people read the press to inform themselves - and the better the teacher the better the student body.

Teachers started recognizing me and praising me for being smart in science and that made me want to be even smarter in science!

Democrats always like to brag that their guys are smarter than the opponents and Republicans always like to brag that their guys are more moral than the opponents. But if you're looking for morals in politics you're looking for bananas in the cheese department.

I have three daughters so I can't be as tough as I want to be. When you have kids - especially daughters - they know how to work you. They're a lot smarter than we are that's for sure. But I'll be more tough on their boyfriends.

I rarely see one of the 'summer blockbuster' movies. I'd like to see a stronger focus on smaller smarter movies.