Search For slice In Quotes 17

Success to me is having ten honeydew melons and eating only the top half of each slice.

Someone once told me that religion is like a knife: You can stab someone with it or you can slice bread with it.

You have this mounting aggressive ignorance with the rabbit's foot of their particular religion. You don't really have any kind of spiritual law just a kind of a rabid mental illness. The songs are a little slice of life.

A lot of movies are about life mine are like a slice of cake.

I eat as much as the next girl but I work my butt of in the gym every morning! The key is moderation. I splurge on the weekend. A big bowl of pasta and a delicious slice of cake for dessert are my favorites.

Country was about character. Country's changed because of monsters like Clear Channel who bought up all the stations and sliced them up into formats. Our demographic is now the soccer mom.

I guess I was a mom so late in life my daughter was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

I am not interested in slice of life what I want is a slice of the imagination.

Increased revenues meaning higher taxes will be a central element of any successful long-term budget plan and President Obama is right to insist that the wealthy - the slice of America that has come through the recession in by far the best financial health - should provide those funds.

If I were a capitalist I would not give my employees health insurance with no deductible which I do including dental and paid pregnancy leave. That's not called capitalism that's called being a Christian and someone who believes in democracy so that everyone should get a fair slice of the pie.