Search For sketch In Quotes 20

If you start to disrespect the character you're playing or play it too much for laughs that can work for a sketch it will sell some gags but it's all technique. It's like watching a juggler - you can be impressed by it but it's not going to touch you in any way.

I never travel without my sketch book.

When I travel I draw and paint sketches which is great fun. And as long as you are fully aware that it has nothing to do with actual art I think that's all right.

I wanted to be an English teacher. I wanted to do it for the corduroy jackets with patches on the side. When I got to college as I was walking across campus one day I ripped off a little flyer for this sketch-comedy group. It ended up being one of the greatest things I've ever done.

Well I get my subject on Wednesday night I think it out carefully on Thursday and make my rough sketch on Friday morning I begin and stick to it all day with my nose well down on the block.

Sometimes I sit down to sketch at the unearthly hour of 3 in the morning!

My mom would take me to restaurants and the first thing I'd ask for would be a pen and a napkin and I'd sketch shoes and shoes and shoes.

I think President Obama could have handled politics and policies differently. But he has been decisive strong and consistent - important qualities in a president. Mitt Romney is indeed an Etch A Sketch the antithesis of leadership.

Almost every college playwright or sketch or improv comedian was sort of aware of Christopher Durang - even kids in high school. His short plays were so accessible to younger people and I think that was inspirational to me.

I would call it a comedy variety show. We have some people just doing straight standup. We usually try to have one musical act of sort. So its just people being funny in different ways not just sketch not just standup not just characters all of those things.

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