Search For similarities In Quotes 11

I liked the energy of cooking the action the camaraderie. I often compare the kitchen to sports and compare the chef to a coach. There are a lot of similarities to it.

I was raised Jewish my wife was raised Catholic. Though we respect each other's heritage and while many of our friends are deeply religious we have chosen to focus on our similarities not our differences. We teach our children compassion charity honesty and the benefits of hard work.

The toughest thing about the power of trust is that it's very difficult to build and very easy to destroy. The essence of trust building is to emphasize the similarities between you and the customer.

I think Ray Charles did as much as anybody when he did his country music album. Ray Charles broke down borders and showed the similarities between country music and R&B.

It is the dissimilarities and inequalities among men which give rise to the notion of honor as such differences become less it grows feeble and when they disappear it will vanish too.

But the key to our marriage is the capacity to give each other a break. And to realize that it's not how our similarities work together it's how our differences work together.

It's fun to pick a cuisine and say I'm going to research Ethiopian food and see what it's all about. You find that there are a lot of similarities in cuisines from around the world and a lot of similar flavors.

There are similarities between business and sport in the pressures involved and in the fitness aspect too.

People are pretty much alike. It's only that our differences are more susceptible to definition than our similarities.

The music I want to hear in my head sounds somewhere between Jimi Hendrix and Massive Attack. It's not really like my dad but there will always be similarities because we have the same vocal cords and I learnt the guitar the way he taught me.